
Purification of Colloidal Solution by Dialysis:

The process of separating the particles of colloids from those of crystalloids by means of diffusion through a suitable membrane is called dialysis. Its principle is based upon the fact that colloidal particles cannot pass through a parchment or cellophane membrane while the ions of the electrolyte can pass through it. The colloidal solution is taken in a bag made of cellophane or parchment. The bag is suspended in fresh water. The impurities slowly diffuse out of the bag leaving behind pure colloidal solution. The distilled water is changed frequently to avoid accumulation of the crystalloids otherwise they may start diffusing back into the bag. Dialysis can be used for removing HC1 from the ferric hydroxide sol.

Electro-dialysis: The ordinary process of dialysis is slow. To increase the process of purification, the dialysis is carried out by applying electric field. This process is called electro-dialysis.

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